Advanced Tools

Discover how efficient trading can be with the right tools

At Tradetomato, we strive to create the ultimate trader's toolbox. The key to being a successful trader lies in having a competitive edge and effective risk management.

In a market driven by information, the ability to rapidly access, analyze and act on new data is a crucial component to any effective trading strategy. This is where our advanced toolbox comes in - a perfect solution built to handle the complexity of a data-driven trading system.

Here is a small taste of what's to come:

Backtesting An essential tool in every trader's toolbox. It allows you to test the performance of your module using historical market data. This provides insights into profitability and other relevant statistics, which can be used to improve your modules. Backtesting offers a way to evaluate and tweak modules before putting them into practice.

Automatic Optimization Our optimization tool allows you to improve the performance of your modules by applying machine learning models to optimize the inputs of your strategy conditions. You can choose to maximize your strategy for various outputs, including gain, trade profitability, and trade frequency.

Community Data Aggregation As the community grows, we will run daily & weekly quests that consist of simple predictions and sentiment collection. For example, "Do you think the price of BTC will go up or down today?". This data can be accessed and used in your modules and prediction models.

Trade Assistant We are developing a trading assistant that can be fully personalized to your requirements. Based on your strategies, risk profile, and trading style, the assistant will help you improve your algorithms, set up alerts, and more. The assistant will also answer any questions related to account setup, the platform, or the markets.

Custom indicators Use filters and mathematical functions to create your own custom indicator. These indicators can be used in your module conditions and prediction models or listed on the marketplace.

Last updated